Pictures in Microsoft Outlook

Discussion in 'Software' started by JBlueMast, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. JBlueMast

    JBlueMast Private E-2

    I am running Outlook '07 at work here, and for some reason I am not able to get any pics in emails sent to this account. I have asked the IT guy if he can help, and he hasn't been able to figure anything out. I have done some looking, and noticed others with the same problem, but with no solutions. I am curious if anyone can help. Everything worked fine until about 1 month ago. After that, they just stopped. I get emails...they have breaks where the pics should be, but nothing appears.
    Thanks for the help.
  2. Sharagoz

    Sharagoz Private First Class

    Go to tools->trust center->automatic download. Your settings there may be too strict.
    Usually though when pictures are not downloaded automatically you get an orange bar above the message that says "click here to download images", and I doubt you would have missed it, so something else might be up..
  3. JBlueMast

    JBlueMast Private E-2

    Nope...that's not it. Seems like everything is set to accept pictures. I'm not necessarily talking about downloading the pics, but just having pictures appear in a message. That's the issue, just to be a bit more clear. But, to respond, I looked in the Trust Center, and I've not seen the "download pics" bar before. It was mentioned to me before, but I've never seen it and I'm sure I would have noticed that.
  4. Sharagoz

    Sharagoz Private First Class

    Here's what I mean regarding the orange bar. Pretty hard to miss.

    One thing you could try is to start the computer in safe mode and see if the pictures are displayed there. If they are, it might be some security software that is blocking them.

    Is office update to SP1?

    Do you have any experience editing the registry?
    There might be a registry value located here:
    If "BlockHTTPImages" exists and has a value set to 1, double-click on it and change the value to 0.
    Before editing the registry its always a good idea to take a registry backup with Erunt
  5. JBlueMast

    JBlueMast Private E-2

    Ya...definitely no orange bar. I haven't edited the registry before, but don't feel uncomfortable doing so. I did look in the regedit area, and there isn't an entry called "Block HTTP Images". I'll run that past the IT guy and see if he knows anything about it. I am, however, the only one in my department who is having the issue. It's just strange, as I haven't changed any settings in outlook that would affect that.
  6. Sharagoz

    Sharagoz Private First Class

    If you go to start->run and type "outlook.exe /safe" (without quotes) you will start outlook in its safemode. If the images are displayed there it might be an add-on that's causing the trouble.
  7. el_lobo

    el_lobo Private E-2

    Hi All;

    I'm having the same issue, It's running XP home, sp2, w/office 2007. I have another pc running XP pro with office 2007 that doesn't have this problem. I have made sure all settings are the same on both outlook programs with no change.
    Any suggestions appreciated.

  8. el_lobo

    el_lobo Private E-2

    Re: Pictures in Microsoft Outlook- solved

    After many hours of searching and lots of questions I found the answer to this problem! This turns out to be not an uncommon issue. What is uncommon is fining the cure:
    In Windows XP(?)
    Go to Start
    Click "Run"
    Type "Regedit"
    Click the "X" by "H Key Current User
    Click the "X" by "Software"
    Click the "X" by "Microsoft"
    Click the "X" by "Office"
    Click the "X" by 12.0
    Click on Common
    in the right-hand pane, you will see "BLOCKHTTPIMAGES"
    Right-Click + select MODIFY
    In box marked Value data, change to 0
    Click OK
    Problem solved!!

    Hope this helps someone,


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