Pixelated screen on start up

Discussion in 'Software' started by Avatar01, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Avatar01

    Avatar01 Private E-2

    Hey all

    A friend of mine has recently encountered an Issue with his display on start up.
    When I Boot up the pc and get to the desktop the screen Is very Pixelated and I have to manually go Into screen resolution settings and shift the resolution to the max the monitor can support (which pushes all the Icons off screen) and then back down to 1650x1080. This removes all the pixelation.

    I have updated the display drivers with no luck.

    And must admit I'm a bit lost on what the problem could be!

    Its an AOC 2236 monitor.
    Running Windows 7 64bit home premium
    GPU Ati Radion HD 5450
    Ram: 4Gb
    CPU: 2.5Mhz quad core I3

    Thanks Matt
  2. Nick T

    Nick T MajorGeek

    Is the monitor the correct one listed in the Device Manager (this is a shot in the dark) ????
  3. pyrouncle

    pyrouncle Private E-2

    My suggestion would be to try a different monitor and see if the same problem occurs.
  4. Avatar01

    Avatar01 Private E-2


    Thanks for the replies
    Yes under device manager It is listed correctly and It's listed as working correctly.
    I will suggest another monitor test and post the results ASAP.
    I should also mention it happens when launching certain games so I'm staring think It could be Gpu related.

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