playing music on a website?

Discussion in 'Software' started by sleepygamer213, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. sleepygamer213

    sleepygamer213 First Sergeant

    How do I play a winamp media file in a web browser? I need to know the tags and everything inside....
  2. Coco

    Coco Sergeant Major

    Two main things to say about this. Firstly, many people hate having webpages start playing music at them so make sure you really want this. Secondly, winamp isn't a media format. It plays many media formats, although I'm just going to assume you mean mp3s and/or waves since it's the most general one.

    At any rate for general music like mp3's you can simply use the embed tag. You can find details about how to use it here

    It's really pretty simple. Just scroll down till you see the embed tag. It includes example code and shows it working.
  3. Tabasco

    Tabasco Private First Class

    Agreed on the first point. Nothing is more annoying then surfing the web at work to be suddenly blasted with whatever music someone decided to embed in their webpage.
  4. sleepygamer213

    sleepygamer213 First Sergeant

    I know, but its a website my web design teacher started and he told us whoever could make the best webpage with whatever you want, would get an A for the whole year... although the embed tags show the little windows media player window right?
  5. Coco

    Coco Sergeant Major

    OK, honestly the tag isn't that confusing and the site I linked you too clearly outlines how it works. If you just read it you could clearly see there is a hidden attribute to the tag that you can toggle.

    Also worth noting, most web developers considering adding music to a page a fau paux. In many courses I've taken if they see that they'll actually deduct marks. Much like they would for using depricated tags (although any web design teacher who has any clue about what he's teaching deducts marks for using depricated tags). Although it depends how much of a perfectionist your teacher is.
  6. sleepygamer213

    sleepygamer213 First Sergeant

    Ive got it down and ive toggled it so its not hidden. The course we're doing right now is for web "bling". Even said, ive got Cake playing on the webpage at a pretty quiet level, just like casual listening, even at full volume its not very loud, unlike most other people blasting hard rock or rap...
  7. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I know I did :D I also deducted marks for using extraneous JavaScripts, and for using HTML/scripts to do what CSS can do. My students really didn't like me! :p And I only taught them for a week! :D

    Could have been worse.

    I could have tried to validate their pages :p
  8. Quinn

    Quinn Private E-2

    I have a similar question, and yes, Coco, I read your link...and everything else I could find through search engines...

    I have a video clip (Quicktime, .mov) and an MP3 on my website-to-be (both autostart=false, no worries!). They show up and play perfectly in MSIE. I don't even get the little controllers on the MP3 in Firefox or Netscape, and while the movie screen will pop up in its own box the way it's supposed to on both, it won't play. I tried cutting and pasting some code involving an object class ID I found on another site, but that didn't work either. Any help is greatly appreciated. The code that's working in MSIE is:

    <embed src="soundfile.mp3" width="148" height="18" autostart="false" loop="false" </embed> (music)

    <embed src="c:/geekspace/" WIDTH="313" HEIGHT="250" controller="true" loop="false"></embed> (movie)

  9. Quinn

    Quinn Private E-2

    Update to the above -- problem solved, quite possibly with the ugliest workaround in the history of... ever, but hey, both movies and music are working on all 3 browsers and I'm thrilled. On to the next major glitch!
  10. cdls

    cdls Private E-2

    Hello All,

    Ok, I used the link from the above information...
    to add sound to a section of our web page. However, now I can't take the meta file out of the html coding and our page won't display at all. Please help...."How do you delete this meta code from the html?" Anyone?

  11. Quinn

    Quinn Private E-2

    Hi, Cdls.

    From the link, it looks like you used an <embed>? Is that right? You don't need a meta file to play a sound; upload the sound file (ideally to the same directory as the .html file for your page) and tell the <embed> where it is. You'll wind up with something along these lines:

    <embed src=" site/mysound.mp3" width="148" height="18" autostart="false" loop="false">

    (Note that you'll only want width and height tags if you're including a player -- but if it's background music, it's nice to allow your visitors to turn it off without diving for the 'mute' button, and nicer to allow them to turn it on in the first place.) If that wasn't the problem or didn't help, I might be able to offer better advice with more information. I just went through agony trying to get songs and movies to play on various browsers on my own site.

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