Please acting funny after malware removal

Discussion in 'Software' started by hornit, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. hornit

    hornit Private E-2

    I had some malware problems, which were resolved through majorgeeks. I am since having start-up problems and sluggishness, even within IE8 and Explorer. I am running Windows Vista. I have to sometimes restart my computer manually 3-4 times because it keeps freezing up pn start-up. Also lost the acer reminder and acer framework. I have tried to reinstall these, but to no avail. If anyone can halp me find out what is going on with my system, I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. blackcivic

    blackcivic Private E-2

    are you getting any messages or errors that appear when starting up? In task manager, do you see high cpu usage amounts, or applications taking up a lot of memory?

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