Pocket PC/ PDA version of this site??

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by MTHall51, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. MTHall51

    MTHall51 Specialist

    Not sure where to ask this question. Everyone here has been so helpful to me with the PC and now am wondering if there is a site similar to this for the Pocket PC/ PDA world?
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    I know some members here have Pocket PCs and PDAs and could likely answer your question, BUT for the folk who know Pocket PCs then "Howard Forums" are the best for that area ( hate directing to other forums, but this one is king in this area of mobile tech ) if we had many Pocket PC gurus here then likey we could create a new side forum, but we have this for MAC and whiel we have some MAC users we dont have what dedicated MAC forums would have in broad spectrum of users.
  3. MTHall51

    MTHall51 Specialist

    Is Howard Forums found on Internet using those keywords, or is that a sub forum on this site?

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