POP ups and cmdServices

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by ancatholam, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. ancatholam

    ancatholam Private E-2

    HELP....I thought I was an intermediate computer user but when it comes to viruses etc I have found my knowledge is very shallow. My son operated this computer for a month without any form of firewall or virus checker and only came to me when he was overloaded with popups. I ran AVG and spybot and over a week managed to get rid of around 30 trojans and literally hundreds of other viruses, however, I am stuck with a problem well two but they may be related.

    I keep getting a couple of the same pop ups even though I am running zone alarm firewall. The first pop up is from media.dxcdirect and says something about deluxe communications and the other one is suggesting I might have problems with my registry database or file system and offers a free download of ErrorSafe to check my computer.

    Also when I run Spybot I get a message saying "Spybot has detected a system service that has been identified as a threat. Displayed name: Command Service. Registry Key: cmdService". At the end of the search I then get the message "Some problems could not be fixed; the reason could be that the associated files are still in use (in memory)." The problems are always the same and they are:

    Can anyone help me to clear these last couple of problems or should I go for a full system restore?

  2. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Click Start > Run > type in regedit

    Manually navigate to the following key:


    Right click on cmdService and select "Permissions". In the list click on "Everyone" and at the bottom, check the box next to "Full Control. Click OK to exit.

    Now right click on "cmdService" and delete it. If you get any errors let me know!

    Now do the same for the key below:


    Right click on cmdService and select "Permissions". In the list click on "Everyone" and at the bottom, check the box next to "Full Control. Click OK to exit.

    Now right click on "cmdService" and delete it.

    After you complete this, reboot and see if Spybot still detects these entries.

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