Popups increase in Firefox

Discussion in 'Software' started by outdoorgal, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    Hi All,

    I am finding more popups in my browser, and not quite sure why. I know it could be just getting around more online, but also, I use my popup blocker with no exceptions, in my Firefox.

    Any suggestions to remedy this, maybe an "extra" program to add to my software?

    Thanks so much. No hurry on this one, just sort of a thorn in my side is all.

    Thanks for any advice, Denise

    PS I will snip a pic of one so you know what type it is. It's not like the little ads that pop up "on" sites, these are separate windows. I can go to close firefox and there is an extra window to close so I go look and it's one of these ads.
  2. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    What add-ons (extensions, plug-ins) are you running in FF?
  3. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    Ok, let me see if I can give you a list, I don't remember adding any, but I think some are by default:

    Exif Viewer 2.0

    Yes, those that are activated, I didn't activate. I recently reinstalled Firefox, so they must just hookup by default? I don't need the Google Earth, I have the software downloaded, for example. I'll wait to hear from you though and thank you much, Denise

    Attached Files:

  4. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    This could work, I thought maybe the addons are what are causing more popups. I'll wait and see what the the other poster (sorry, forgot his nick) has to say. I don't know why something called a plugin would be plugged in without me asking?

    Maybe they are needed so come plugged in my default;) Denise
  5. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    I don't get annoying ads here Don, I just get these weird ones that look almost as big as webpage. I'll still keep trying to snip one and show you. So shall I turn off those other addons/plugins like Silverlight? I am a little nervous to turn off all that's on. I wonder why they are on by default Donateo?
  6. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    Yes, I do get confused with addons, extension, and plugins, geesh! Why can't they just all be the same, lol! Ok, I have no extensions now. I had Exif Viewer for my photos, but I don't really need it;)

    Should I just keep those plugins then?

  7. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    I don't have them Donateo,

    Do you feel it's a good thing to add them? I suppose I could try and see if those ads go away. As I said, they are not ads related in a webpage. You know how you will accidentally activate one, or it just pops up in the site itself. These are like "behind the scenes" ads, when I close my browser there they are. Does that make sense? I just never got those types of windows/ads??

    Thank you much, Denise
  8. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

  9. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    Ok, thank you Donateo, I think I can just try the adblock and see how they work on the "unrequested" type which is the type that is giving me grief;) lol!! Thank you again, so much, Denise;)
  10. Lapetus

    Lapetus Private E-2

    Try using your "host file" with the precompiled host file from following site.


    I have never used addons or popup blockers because using your host file eliminates the need. I use their precompiled host file on both Windows & Linux machines, it contains over 14,000 entries (IP addresses & URLs).

    The host file is also the proper way to block connections because it works at the network layer. Where as web browsers & other installed software like popup blockers reside above the network layer after the connections to & from your PC have already taken place.
  11. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    I find this interesting, and totally new to me. I will check the link, see if I can get a good understanding of it. It makes way more sense if I was able to block that crap before it comes through through the wireless connection?? I think I am understanding that much. Let me take a look, thank you for the info, Denise

    I'll probably have questions, hope you'll be around;)
  12. Lapetus

    Lapetus Private E-2

    If you are still running XP there's a neat little program called HostsXpert you can use to manage the Windows XP host file. The program itself only runs when you open it & you don't have to install it. Just place the exe file somewhere, I make a folder on C:\ place the exe in it & then make a shortcut to it in my start menu. Unfortunatly the progrma is no longer maintained & doesn't work on win7 or 8.


    I attached a pic to show you anyway. I use the program because it lets me add & remove individual IPs to block on the fly.

    HostsMan another program like HostXperts is still maintained & works on Win7 & 8, you should give that one a try. I'm not using it on this XP PC, but have it on my Win7 PC.


    If you choose to use the host file, you will also need to clean out your temporary internet files & cache folder, then reboot for it to work.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014

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