Port opening/forwarding difference

Discussion in 'Software' started by aTa, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. aTa

    aTa Private E-2

    Until today I wasn't aware there was a difference between opening and forwarding, I thought it was common terminology.

    I have always had a problem with Bittorrent starting about a year ago. I have a linksys router, and I have forwarded all the necessary ports needed but am still left with mediocre speeds of 10-15 kbps on heavily seeded torrents for the WoW updates.

    Will opening my ports do justice? I looked into my router config in IE and do not see anything about opening ports opposed to forwarding them, can anybody help?

    I have a linksys D router, Win XP SP2 on Cogeco Cable Internet using Anzureus.
  2. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Azureus uses port 6881 by default, however, a lot of ISP's throttle this port, so you should really choose another.

    HERE is some information and instructions.
  3. aTa

    aTa Private E-2

    I'm about toad this, I'll just have you know I use 16881-16889 and I have opened those on TCP-UDP aswell as 6969.

    Hope that link helps.
  4. aTa

    aTa Private E-2

    For DHT, it says to make sure it's enabled but it's not clear in the wiki how to enable it or how to make sure it's enabled.

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