Power Requirements Question

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Dashakan, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Dashakan

    Dashakan Private E-2

    First off the computer has:

    AMD Athlon 64 3000+
    geforce fx5700gt
    An asus mobo (not sure of the model)
    2x 80gb Hard drives
    CD-R drive
    DVD drive
    Floppy disk drive

    I am replacing a 480W power supply in this computer that died. I have a 400W Antec laying around unused, and am trying to determine if it will work in this system. It seems like it will, but this computer is also used to occasionally charge an mp3 player.

    Will 400W run this system without a problem? Or am I better off buying a new psu. Thanks for any input in advance.
  2. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    yeah a 400W Antec should be fine, I only run a 430W with my rig in my signature
  3. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

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