Problem installing XP on Raid

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by AMDuser, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. AMDuser

    AMDuser Private E-2

    I'm hoping someone can help me on this. I had to replace a failing HDD, and I got 2 WD 250 gb SATA's. I'm setting them up in a Raid 0. I set the array and save it. It see it in the BIOS as a raid set and bootable. I start the install, hit f6 to install the drivers, formats the drives, finishes the install (entering the cdkey, name, date and stuff). When it gets to the point where is goes to automatically set the screen size, I get a quick blue screen and it reboots. It's so quick you can't read it. It just keeps doing this. Does this in safe mode to. Does the same thing in a raid 1 to. If I set it t JBOD, and install, no problem there.
    I'm running a Giga-byte GA-K8N Ultra 9 MB, with the nForce 4 ultra chipset, AMD 4400 X2. I got the latest raid drivers. I even tried the drivers that came with the MB.
    Does anybody have any suggestions?
  2. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Did you follow the instructions on page 67 of your manual?
  3. AMDuser

    AMDuser Private E-2

    Yes I did.
    It just seems funny that it will go through all of the install process, and when it starts to adjust screen size that's when it does it. After I hit f6 and load the raid drivers windows see's thats it's a raid, formats, installs to a point where it ask for the drivers again then finishes till it get to that point then a quick bsod and reboots.
  4. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Okay. And when you hit F6, does it read in the floppy?
  5. AMDuser

    AMDuser Private E-2

    Yes it does read the floppy and it installs the drivers.
  6. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Hmm, I wish I knew - what confuses me is it works in JBOD - but not the others. I will have to hunt around, or hopefully someone else reading has an idea. Is the new drive formatted?
  7. AMDuser

    AMDuser Private E-2

    Yes, they are formated.
    I got it to stop rebooting on errors long enough to get the stop error code. the full number is:
    STOP 0x00000024 (0x00190203,0x8A24D550,0xC0000102,0x00000000).
    The only thing I can find is the first group of numbers after stop, not the full code itself. It says: "Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - This message indicates that a problem with Ntfs.sys, this driver reads and writes to NTFS drives. A similar Stop message, 0x23, exists for the file allocation table (FAT16 or FAT32) file systems." Dose anyone know where I can get a better explanation for this code, or how to fix it?
  8. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

  9. AMDuser

    AMDuser Private E-2

    I've run chkdsk on both of them and they both passed, no problems.
    I also ran WD's software on them. the Lifeguard tools and the Diagnostic tools on them, no problems.
  10. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Well, that sure points back to the motherboard. :( Don't know what else to tell you. Will keep thinking.
  11. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    what service pack is your xp installer (if any) ? just wondering if its sp2 or 3, and if not, it might help...
  12. AMDuser

    AMDuser Private E-2

    Well I've tried the XP Pro SP2 that I bought when I built, and I tried the XP Pro SP3 that I got for my wifes computer and the both do it.

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