(problem) Steps Recorder.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Eldon, May 5, 2016.

  1. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I recently found this helpful utility included with Windows 7. It seems to be unknown as I have not seen any member use it.
    Many problems can be re-created and this utility will record all the steps complete with screenshots and details.

    In Windows 7 it's called Problem Steps Recorder and can be accessed by typing psr in Search or Run on the Start Menu.

    In Windows 8/8.1 it's available from the Apps Screen, in Windows 10 it's available from the Start Menu, and is known as just Steps Recorder.

    Some more info:

    It's not a replacement for crash dump files.

    Here's a sample file.

    Attached Files:

    outdoorgal and Earthling like this.
  2. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Good find! Never heard of it before.
  3. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Funny thing is... I don't recall how I found it? :confused:
    I did search to see in which editions of Windows it's available.
    outdoorgal likes this.

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