Problematic Windows XP Home 32-bit SP3 P.C.

Discussion in 'Software' started by micrexa, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. micrexa

    micrexa Private E-2

    Can anyone suggest please how to get over the following problems, apart from chucking the m/c. in the bin!

    I have a seven year old, (not this m/c I am using), ‘Evesham’ PC as above that has for several months now been getting more and more difficult to Start Up. It makes very loud noises 99% of the time when starting. Turn off, back on may be quiet or still noisy. Often it won’t show the initial Dos screens so cannot get into the Bios before Windows attempts to start. Often takes three or four attempts to get started fully; then when it has started everything appears to be working ok albeit quite slowly at times. Again on Start Up often produces either a fully black OR a white OR a blank screen. Turn off start again this time it may be quiet in operation and eventually may get into Windows. With the covers off I have checked when starting for the loud noise. I am certain it is not the cooling fans but cannot pinpoint exactly from where the noise emanates from. At this time I took the opportunity to fit a new CR 2032 Motherboard battery, as the original was still in place. This has made little or no difference to the problems.

    XP was pre installed at the time of purchase in March 2006 and has never been re-installed. The m/c has 1Gb of Dual-Channel DDR Ram and 2 WD 150Gb hard drives.

    The PC has had for sometime now the following protection.
    Zone Alarm Security Suite (purchased version), includes the Firewall.

    It also has the following Free Versions that are updated almost daily.
    Windows Defender
    Advanced System Care (Includes Malware Fighter).

    Scans by all of the above programs are run at the recommended times, but don’t show up any particular problems.

    Any help with the above greatly appreciated and many thanks.
  2. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    Could you post your exact make/model number?

    This sounds like a motherboard issue, due to the fact you are having issues with POST, but it could also indicate a hardware issue.

    Have you tried booting the machine with the hard drive disconnected?
  3. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    7 years old - I'd suspect a failing PSU first. Open it up and quote the make, model# and full details from the power supply label.
  4. micrexa

    micrexa Private E-2

    Thanks for replies, am having to put all on hold at moment due to family problems. Hope to resume sorting second PC later next week. Again thanks for replies and any and all further help.
  5. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Take care of the important things, the PC will wait.

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