Problems With Seamonkey

Discussion in 'Software' started by Joe Ciaravino, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. Joe Ciaravino

    Joe Ciaravino Specialist

    I like SeaMonkey because it's fast and has low overhead. I've been using it for years, and really enjoy all the tweaks that it allows. In short..........I don't want to give it up despite the fact that Mozilla no longer supports it, it's old, and there are probably "better" browsers out there. I also use the suite for email. I use an old version, 2.32, because it asks less questions about suspicious websites in the browser....................easier to use.

    All that said, there are 2 annoyances that I've been seeing for a couple weeks now, and it's about time I asked you experts to help me figure them out:

    1. Photo images are not always automatically resized to fit the screen even though I have the auto resize images box ticked in "preferences".

    2. If I play a video......say, YouTube for starts off as a small screen which is black but the audio is playing. If I go to full screen, the video magically appears and plays along with the audio. If I go back to small screen the video and audio continue to play as normal.

    Thanks in advance,
    Perplexed and vexed

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