Question about appearance of XP

Discussion in 'Software' started by krazyhorse, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. krazyhorse

    krazyhorse Private E-2

    Hello,quick question about XP pro. My desktop and two laptops have the large letters and the big screen on startup with xp pro.My third laptop,also has xp pro, has tiny images and small letters.How can I change it to be large like the rest?

  2. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    Control Panel>Display>Appearance- here you can change font styles and sizes, themes, enable large icons, etc....
  3. krazyhorse

    krazyhorse Private E-2

    I was inquiring about resizing the startup screen. The first one that comes up when machine is powered up. It has the XP logo....the scroll bar... and says microsoft corp.Then you come to the sign in page.
  4. Orbital57

    Orbital57 Private First Class

    If I'm right you mean the user log in screen?

    Check the display resolution in the menu suggested above. I wouldn't be surprised to see that the screen with small icons etc is displaying at a much higher resolution.

    If the resolutions are the same size then you probably need to check the Icon size.
  5. krazyhorse

    krazyhorse Private E-2

    No sir, I am talking about the very first splash screen that comes on when you hit the power button.Mine gives me the bios version very quickly,then changes to the XP screen with the scroll bar and the microsoft corp logo,and after a few seconds it changes to the welcome screen.The display settings have no effect on the first two screens,thats why I'm asking how to change them.
  6. BirdBath

    BirdBath Sergeant Major

    Make sure your third lap top has all the updates and service packs. The Windows logo screen changes according to which version of XP Pro you are running.

    Your third lap top might have an OEM version that will not change any way.

    A little anal, are we? :D ;)
  7. Orbital57

    Orbital57 Private First Class

    I'm afraid you've got me stumped krazyhorse.

    I seem to remember that there used to be programs that let you import your own splashscreen on startup, I just can't think which splash screen they meant... Could have been the very first one when you're given the option of entering BIOS (which I can turn off/on and change in BIOS anyway, don't think I could on my old PC though).

    Anyone have any suggestions for software that can adjust the splashscreen?
  8. BirdBath

    BirdBath Sergeant Major

  9. krazyhorse

    krazyhorse Private E-2

    Thanks for the replyconfused . I'll check it out. I appreciate the help.

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