Question about usb 3.0 PCI cards

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by idreos, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. idreos

    idreos Private E-2

    Will the announced usb 3.0 cards enable current PCs to take advantage of the new USB 3.0 external hard drives at their rated transfer speeds???
    Thanks for your help!
  2. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    I believe PCI Express is most likely the format we'll see in add-on cards for USB 3.0. Have you actually found a source for USB 3.0 PCI cards?
  3. idreos

    idreos Private E-2

  4. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    That's the plan, but note speed it not the only big deal with 3.0. In fact for many, the greater bandwidth is only a minor deal and I must admit, I am in that category. I want 3.0 because I am tired of 10 years of intermittent connectivity issues with USB 2.0. 3.0 is supposed be reliable at establishing and maintaining connection when devices "wake up" or are disconnected/unplugged and reconnected.
  5. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

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