ram optimization tool

Discussion in 'Software' started by ferg46, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. ferg46

    ferg46 Private First Class

    for the last few months i have been using free ram xppro however iv noticed that frequently enough when im connected to the internet the programme starts its ram optimization feature , this automatically causes firefox to temporarly crash and becomes non ressponsive for arounf five min,

    as the prog runs upon startup and is "always on" i feel i made need to use a dif prog or is this problem in other ram optimization programmes ,

    thanks for any input/help in advance

    ps. small research done on ram2free and maxmem however they dont seem to be near as popular as free ram xp pro , any thoughts on these programmes guys

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    I would not have these apps automatically clean up, what its likely doing is deleting files and dlls that are in use for Firefox, the freeze is then Firefox trying to reload its needed files back into ram.

    TBH, never seen the need for these types of ram cleaning apps in XP and above, but each to their own and if it works for you then good, but for me having this app running is basically defeating the object as its using ram up!

    Run manually when finished using any apps would be my suggestion, if you wish to recover ram.
  3. jojoreal19

    jojoreal19 Private E-2

    i used to run free ram xp the older version in the w98 days, it makes my pc faster, but after some time of using it, my pc began to crash, and technically my mem module was damaged, stopped using free ram xp since then, a technician told me that it could have shorten the life expectancy of the hardware, dont know about the new version though. just for sure i leave the fate of my mem to xp nowadays
  4. ferg46

    ferg46 Private First Class

    thanks for all the info guys just gonna try and remember to switch it off when im on net

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