Random Bluescreen hardrive not found

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tesher07, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. tesher07

    tesher07 Private E-2

    Dell Xps 600-Raid stripe controler, 2 new western digital hardrives. Looks like the hardrives are working fine, but random bluescreen system cannot detect hardrives occurs. After a reboot the bios does not detect the harddrive. After the system sits for a while, it boots ok. Diagnostic lights are all off when the system is working properly, but the Dell manual indicates that the lights should be on. Does anyone know if this is:

    A. A motherboard problem
    B. A Bios problem, since the diagnostic lights are off when they should be on

    any help or guidance would be appreciated thanks.
  2. tesher07

    tesher07 Private E-2

    The error message is:

    ***Stop: 0x000000f4 (0x00000003, 0x872ea268,0x872ea3dc,0x805d29c7)

    If you want, next time I'll take a picture of the error message.
  3. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    One of the many processes or threads crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been terminated. As a result, the system can no longer function. Specific causes are many, and often best resolved by a careful history of the problem and the circumstances of the error message. One user, who experienced this on return from Standby mode on Win XP SP2, found the cause was that Windows was installed on a slave drive; compare KB 330100.

    Taken from Aumha.

    Are you familiar with Linux Live CDs at all? If you are able to run your comptuer from one of them for several hours without bluescreen crashes, that would indicate your harddrives. And if it still crashes, that would tell you it's not the hdd itself, but something else... Alternatively, try disconnecting one of your drives, then the other, to narrow down which one of them is causing issues.

    It could be, C, none of the above; a.k.a. "motherboard problems". Hopefully not, because they suck to troubleshoot and replace :(

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