Real Problems Maybe Virus, Trojan

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by gerdo, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. gerdo

    gerdo Private E-2

    I am experiencing real problems with my NEC Versa M340 laptop.

    Firstly apologies for not being able to carry out the pre-post work that is advised but the problems with my machine are making it virtually impossible.

    Any help info advice will be much appreciated...

    Here goes, on start up of my laptop once logged in and sometimes even when selecting my log in i get the following errors messages....

    'The application or DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.'

    The dll file varies and is usually linked to my yahoo brower, mcafee virus which was innitally switching itself off even once enabled and has now stopped working all together.

    These problems are coupled with not being able to download programs off the internet, i.e i try to download Spybot etc to try and do some clean up and the downloader doesnt load.

    I cant log into hotmail, the login page appears but once i enter my add and password i just get a white page and it doesnt load, and its the same when i try to log into yahoo.

    Further to this the mouse which is built into the keyboard is selecting and highlighting items on the desktop and i have had to change the button orientation around as the left click was not responding properly.

    Something is clearly wrong please help or its getting chucked out the window!!!

    Edit by chaslang: Inline HJT log attached. READ & RUN ME sticky not followed.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2007
  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    I don't see any problems in your HJT log and nothing that you mentioned would indicate malware issue. However you made no attempt to follow any steps in the READ & RUN ME. You did not even install and rename HJT properly which can allow malware to hide. In addition you posted an inline log instead of attaching it as we request.

    Since I see nothing in what you reported that indicates malware, all I can suggest is that you make a much better attempt at running the steps in the READ ME and attach some additional logs and install and rename HijackThis properly so we can truly be sure that you do not have a malware problem.

    Also for your mslbui.dll, get another copy off your Windows XP CD or download one and put it into your system32 folder. Without logs we cannot help you! Your problems sound more like a software issue with Windows thus you should also consider posting in the Software Forum.

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