Realtek Problems, help ASAP :)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Letholdus, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Letholdus

    Letholdus Private E-2

    Sorry to post this, if it seems like a double post, I'm tired like really tired, and couldn't find an edit button. I wanted to tell you my WHOLE situation, and then the things I've already tried, please help as soon as you have time, like soon. :)

    Like any normal day, I was just relaxing. I figured I could clear some space, why not? I accidently deleted something apparently vaulable, Realtek HD Audio driver. When I rebooted, I had no sound whatsoever.

    I tried a system restore, no luck, because It was wiped clean it seems.

    I installed Realtek back I believe? I'm not 100% certain It's my type, it said for Windows XP home edition, so, that sounded right.

    Still, NO sound... It's making me stressed as hell. I need help to fix this. I'm not computer tech savy so try and keep it simple but still try and help if you can. :)

    I'm on an EEPC notebook, Windows XP home edition, if that helps any. I have no yellow marks, but I have no sound still? Please help!! :( PLEASE
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What model of ASUS EEPC do you have, should be a sticker on the bottom to tell you on near the screen?
    If you know the model version, just goto ASUS support and download the Chipset driver for your model and install and reboot, then install the Audio driver from ASUS only (do not install any old Relatek driver as not all are the same).

    What Service Pack is your XP at?

    If not follow the below


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