Recover Pictures From A "smartmedia" Card

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by caraloca, Dec 20, 2004.

  1. caraloca

    caraloca Private E-2

    hi, this is the second time that when I try to download my pictures from a "SmartMedia" card the card gets damage or something, i can't tell exactly , but I can't get the pictures and the card is useless after. If I put it back in my Olympus, D-220L camera, it only shows in the screen a big "?" in the middle and I can't use it anymore.
    I think I read somewhere but I do not remember where that there are programs that are able to get those pictures and also to format the card if this is the case with mine.
    Like I said is the second card with the same problem.
    This is what I did before the problem. I tried to get the pictures directly from the camera to my pc with a cable to the game port (I think that is the name) with not luck, then I tried with a card reader that I have to plug to an usb 2.0 port and I think is here where my card gets damage.
    Any help to find that program or any ideas to resolve this, please?.
    I would like at least to be able to use those cards again.
    Thank you
  2. Turcoloco

    Turcoloco MajorGeek

    You could also give either PC Inspectory Smart Recovery or Zero Assumption Image Recovery a shot found on this link, there are more out there I am sure but these freewares are a good starting point. Basically if you have not saved any new data on the media, you have a much higher chance, once new data is saved, that is when the actual data loss occurs.
    Also keep this in mind the memory media you are using could be defective/damaged as well....
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    PC Smart Recovery is one application I tested whilst working in the digital image industry and it works very well, so well I still use it at home if I accidently delete any images.

    The downside of any Media Card is they are suseptable to corruption, I used to see alot each week, mainly non-branded cards but quite a few branded ones aswell, funny enough most were either SM or Compact Flash.
  4. caraloca

    caraloca Private E-2

    Hi, sorry I did not post back yet, I was out of town and also I didn't get any replies notifications..
    Ok , I already tried PC Inspectory Smart Recovery and about 3 more with no luck, so now I'll try with Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery from your link..
    Just for the record I did not overwrite anything in the cards but all the progranms that I tried they said that the cards are very bad to recover but they will try.
    so if I can't do anything at least I will try to format them and use them again.
    My cards are from Olympus.
    Thank you all.

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