Recovering NTFS-encrypted (EFS) files

Discussion in 'Software' started by countchocula, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. countchocula

    countchocula Private E-2

    Hi Folks,

    I've just migrated laptops, and have copied over all my old files to my new computer. There are a few files that were encrypted on my old NTFS drive (EFS encryption). I have backups of the entire old computer, but the comp itself is out of commission.

    I've taken NTFS ownership of the files in question, but am still unable to decrypt the files via the windows GUI. I think I might somehow have to get at my old private key to decrypt them? I'm not totally sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I do not think there is much you can do unless you backed up your EFS certificate and you said the laptop is out of commission, so unless you can get it back up and export the certificate you are out of luck.
  3. countchocula

    countchocula Private E-2

    I didn't go through the backup process for the EFS certificate, but i do have backups of all the files from the old laptop. Is there any way I can get at that old EFS certificate from the file backups? That is, does that certificate exist as a file somewhere? Or, can I point the windows certificate manager at some old file so it will recognize the old certificate? Something along those lines?

  4. tgell

    tgell Major Geek Extraordinaire

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