Recovery Instructions for lost file of Windows XP HSP2

Discussion in 'Software' started by gregory447, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. gregory447

    gregory447 Private E-2

    Sometimes disc cleanups, defragmentations and such can erase a file because you never used it. I lost my Clipboard Viewer in Windows system32. Here is how I retrieved it: Start>Set Program Access>Add/Remove Windows Components>Accessories and Utilities> details> Accessories> details> Clipboard Viewer: (Check Box)> click OK. Wait a few moments and an Install Wizard will appear in a window and instruct you to insert your Windows XP Operating System CD and click OK. The Wizard will take over and retrieve the file from the CD and install it back into your Windows system32 files. I then did a search in "all files and folders", and when clipbrd.exe file, 101KB showed up, I highlighted it, then right clicked it, then clicked "pin to Start Menu". Presto ! Everything worked beautiful, and I now have a clipboard. These instructions were given to me by a friend, and I wanted to pass them on, hoping they might help someone who has lost a file.
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Thanks for the tip!
    Same applies for Windows 2000.
  3. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Well done!
  4. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    Great tip!!! I'm sure I'll use this in the future! Thanx! I'm gonna cut-n-paste your post so it'll always be at my fingertips....
  5. gregory447

    gregory447 Private E-2

    If you happen to be a troubleshooter buff, you may wish to view the suggestions that failed (I gratefully loved the input however!) in the July 24/07 Thread: "Shareware For Missing system32 File???" Thanks again geekfriends for your concern. :wave
  6. gregory447

    gregory447 Private E-2

    Once the Install Wizard automatically searched my C: files it detected that the clipbrd.exe file was missing and prompted me to load the XP CD, it searched the compacted Operating System CD, something I tried to do manually and failed, as was suggesting in one of the replies post. Thanks again. I guess that's why it's called a Wizard !

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