Reformat error?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by oakknoll, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. oakknoll

    oakknoll Private E-2

    I had to reformat my harddrive as my computer totally crashed and I couldn't even get to the windows page to do anything. I tried repairing and doing an in-place upgrade with the XP cd, but each time it said it had errors copying certain files. So, now we're in process of reformatting...have to load ME first, then upgrade to XP. When we load ME, the windows screen looks like it's in safe mode, but it's not. I ran a scan with Norton Systemworks and it found about 11 errors and couldn't correct them because of a registry error that was unfixable. OH, and the hard drive I'm currently using is brand new. I took out the old hard drive and replaced it thinking it may have been the problem. Any ideas or suggestions?
  2. oakknoll

    oakknoll Private E-2

    I followed the steps you recommended but when it came time for XP installation, I still had errors when copying files. Any other suggestions?

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