regarding data storage n transfer through wifi

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by medicoroshan, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. medicoroshan

    medicoroshan Private E-2

    hey ppl who r geeks n can help me...please i need ur advice regarding data storage device ...which is the best one n i need it for 10 tb size n should be able to transfer files through wimax or wi fi ....if u can help me it would be highly use ful for me...:)
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Just a bit of additional information if you can....

    What are you using this for and is 10tb the min?
    How much do you wish to spend on this?
    Does the storage have to be standalone?

    NAS + a WiFi router would do the job for wired plus Wifi connectivity, but most general consumer ones are around the 9TB max storage mark and around $3000 (not including the extra drives needed to max it out and the router, the $3000+/- one came with 6TB or space eg. this one HERE* price is dependent on country of origin and where you buy from the $3000 is a rough guide).

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