Removing blank page at the end of Word Document

Discussion in 'Software' started by claptrap, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. claptrap

    claptrap Private First Class

    I want to know how to do this in Word 2000 or 2007:

    I have created a CV in a table format. The table is exactly the size of the paper so I cannot put a cursor below the table so can't use the delete button. I remember vaguely there is a way of getting rid of redundant page some other way but I so rarely come across my current problem I cannot remember it. Anyone knows how to do it?

    I prefer to use Office 2000 for my own purposes but I as I am likely to encounter Office 2007 at work place, I wouldn't mind knowing how to do that also in the new version.
  2. jconstan

    jconstan MajorGeek

    Click on the "show formatting" button. It looks like a backward "P". Either your table is too big and you have flowed beyond the boundry of the page or you have a page or section break which the "show formatting" will show you and you will be able to delete.

    You can make you table a little bit smaller and the extra page will go away.

    Or, you can adjust the top and bottom margins smaller in Page Setup and the extra page will go away.
  3. GCWesq

    GCWesq MajorGeek

    Another way that often works is to select the Paragraph marker (the backwards 'P') at the bottom and change its font size to 1 (again, you have to show formatting to see the "P"). That sometimes allows it to fit into the available space at the bottom of the page with the table, and then the additional page is no longer needed, so it gets zapped..
  4. claptrap

    claptrap Private First Class

    Thanks guys. I've been working late all week but I will try both methods as soon as I have a chance, hopefully tonight. :) I am not sure about making the table smaller in this specific case as the text would be unacceptably small to fit in: I am trying to fit the table on one page if I possibly can.

    I presume these tricks will work for either Office Word software?
  5. GCWesq

    GCWesq MajorGeek

    Yes, applicable to both.
    If you have other pages in the document with the table, changing the margins will change the margins on these other pages too, so you may prefer to try reducing the paragraph marker as a first option (I'd be surprised if that didn't work - and even if it didn't, you would barely have to change the table size or the margins afterwards to accommodate it and the table).
    If none of these options are any good, I have just thought that you could perhaps paste the table into a text box which would allow you to overflow the margins while leaving them as they are. You may need to reduce the text box internal margins to zero for best results.

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