Removing Boot Option

Discussion in 'Software' started by princesslisa, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. princesslisa

    princesslisa Private E-2 I am new so be gentle. =] I created the recovery console yesterday before running combofix and now every boot I am presented with two options: XP Media Center Edition or Recovery console. In the link above I am trying to understand and see if I get it. I delete the recovery console option? If I do this then how am I to access it in case I need it? Or is it just deleting that option and will somehow still have access to the recovery console if needed? I have my installation CD's. I hope this makes sense in what I am trying to communicate.:cool
  2. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    I am not sure if XP Media Center Edition or Recovery console works the same way as my XP Pro and Recovery console.
    If it does, when you bootup both options appear with the XP option automatically selected. If you do nothing, after 20 seconds or so, bootup continues.
    In my setup, if I press <Enter> any time before the 20 seconds is up the bootup then will then continue immediately.

    If this is different on "XP Media Center Edition or Recovery console", please disregard this answer. Others will come to your assistance. :major Bazza
  3. princesslisa

    princesslisa Private E-2

    It is the same, as far as your description but I still want to know if this could be avoided as before? My boot time was so fast!
  4. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you have the installation CD's you can always use recovery console without having it installed on your computer. So you could delete the boot option but you will need to know where your XP installation CD is to get to recovery console.

    Another option would be to change the default timeout for choice of operating system to something like 3 seconds. If your fast you may be ok with 2 seconds.

    Right-click My Computer>select Properties>Advanced tab>Startup and Recovery Settings button>Time to display list of OS change to 3 seconds to test and go down if you are quick. [You can change it higher if it is too quick for you].
  5. princesslisa

    princesslisa Private E-2

    Thanks for the reply. Why is it necessary to install the recovery console for ComboFix.exe. Just wondering if it is a necessary for combo fix to run correctly? I think I read that but not sure.
  6. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I don't know I've never used ComboFix.
  7. princesslisa

    princesslisa Private E-2

    Ok, this can be closed. Do I do this?

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