Repairing Corrupt Mpegs

Discussion in 'Software' started by CloX-IT, May 24, 2003.

  1. CloX-IT

    CloX-IT Private E-2

    I have an mpeg that plays but you cant move the slider to any specific place in media player and it crashes about 1/2 way through.

    I have tried several video creation proggies and ones that are suppose to repair bad mpegs like TMPGnc,flaskmpeg,vcdgear and some others but i get errors like "no mpeg stream" and "invalid mpeg" ... like DUH! I KNOW! thats why I am trying to FIX it.

    Any ideas people?

    Can you understand WHY I'd like to REPAIR this mpeg... cause 100MB+ D/L is no five min. job at 3.4kbps!
  2. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Check your file size. It sounds to me like an incomlete download.
  3. Robert

    Robert Sergeant

    Crook is crook and thats what the download probably was. Try the download again. Else have a serious look at the capability of your machine to absorb such an enormous gulp. Hell - on my grey box that would take about 3 days.
    Good Luck and Success
  4. snakefoot

    snakefoot Sergeant Major

    You could try to reencode the thing with a tool like TMPGEnc
  5. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Except he getting errors for "no mpeg stream". If you can't decode it, reencoding isn't gonna help much.

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