Rewritable disk

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by barelij, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. barelij

    barelij Private E-2

    Is there a way to edit, or even comletely erase a file on a re-writable disk, like one would do with a 1.44MB floppy ?
    Thanks, Joseph.
  2. tarmin8or

    tarmin8or Private First Class

    There is software that will format a CD or DVD-RW to be used as a virtual drive or storage that allows you to edit, remove, rewrite and change data as you would another drive.
    Look online for packet writing software, I think one is called B's-Clip.
  3. barelij

    barelij Private E-2

    Thanks,Tarmin8or. Will try it out. Joseph.
  4. tarmin8or

    tarmin8or Private First Class

    I have used it and it works great. I have it on an older computer and I am getting ready to install it one my new one, just have to find my serial number to register it.
    Great way to archive data allowing you to update and or backup when needed....or just as a virtual drive.
    I wish you good luck!!!

    Try here:
  5. barelij

    barelij Private E-2

    Hi. Thanks for the information, but I am not sure how to procceed: My operating system is Windows XP Pro SP3, and the DVD drive is LGGSAH44Nx18. This drive is not on the list , but maybe it is not updated. How can I find out? Also, asuming that the drive is ok, how do I procceed with downloading the updaters. Which of them should I download?
    My understanding of computers is quite limited, so the more specific and detailed will be your reply , the more it will help.
    Thanks for your patience, Joseph.
  6. tarmin8or

    tarmin8or Private First Class

    Mine was not on the list either. What version were you able to get? Did you purchase or are you just trying it out as demo?
  7. barelij

    barelij Private E-2

    I am not sure what you mean by version. Version of what? If you mean the DVD drive, then it is mine. It is part of my computer, which I purchassed mid 2007.
    Regards, Joseph.
  8. tarmin8or

    tarmin8or Private First Class

    Did you purchase a version of the B's Clip? What version was it if you did?
  9. barelij

    barelij Private E-2

    I understand now. No, I did not buy the B's Clip. I thought that maybe it is free. If I decide to buy it, which version do you reccomed? Where from do I buy it? Any idea what is the cost of it to a private user? Reading some FAQs gave me the feeling that this is not a straight-forward software for a non-proffesional user. On the other hand I think that after having it installed, the benefit is quite substencial.
    Regards, Joseph.
  10. tarmin8or

    tarmin8or Private First Class

    I think that B's clip is going by the wayside as I went to the site and it looks like they don't even support the older version i had.
    Try checking out the NERO inCD. I think if you get a NERO version 6 or 7, there is a feature called inCD which will format the disks into a packet disk.
    You may have better luck going with the Nero.
    Packet writing is becoming obsolete since there are very small affordable external USB drives to store data and create back-ups. Have you considered going that route instead of writing to a CD or DVD?
  11. barelij

    barelij Private E-2

    Ok ! I was thinking along the same lines. I will get myself a 4 or 8GB good quality disk on key and will use it for files that for one reason or another I do not want to store on the hard drive. There is a good chance that dealing with packet writing will mess-up my computer. Thanks for all your help!
  12. tarmin8or

    tarmin8or Private First Class

    You can get portables that will hold up to 500GB if you need lots of storage. I have 3 or 4 of them ranging from 40GB to 320GB. One I use for music, one for vector art, one for back-ups, etc.
    I think i would go that route, the prices are very reasonable for the storage sizes available.
    I use Western Digital Passports and SimpleTech Simpledrives. Very reliable.
    Good luck my friend!

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