ripped MP3 plays like Chipmunks

Discussion in 'Software' started by fastfinger, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. fastfinger

    fastfinger Private E-2

    Whether I use MusicMatch or Windows Media Player, I can play my CDs in the tray and I can rip them to hard drive... but when I play them from the hard drive they play back too fast. Playback is fine from the original CD disks in the tray -- but the songs from my library play back too fast. What am I doing wrong and how can I get my library to play correctly?
    Can I transfer songs from my library at home to a comuter at work -- just drag and drop - or must I rip them at work from original disk again?
    ThankX ahead of time....
  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Try CDex it is a really good ripper...I'd be lead to believe the others have some built in security features and such that may cause the problems you experience.. may be paranoia talkin. But you cannot drag .cda files off a cd and have them play (that I know of).
  3. fastfinger

    fastfinger Private E-2

    thanks for the suggestion... but at work, I'm stuck with the network and what programs they allow us to use. In order to use some music at work, I can use the Windows Media Player but I don't want to rip my songs into WMA files! I want to keep everything as MP3. When I used MusicMatch - I was able to pay music fine off the CD directly - but after I ripped it to my library for playback off the hard drive - it plays back like the chipmonks-- too fast. I have a flsh memory card that I can use to transfer music files from home coputer to work ( soon will have an iPod) -- can I just copy and paste my home files onto my office hard drive or must I totally re-rip the songs at work?
    Any idea why my store bought CDs, ripped at work - pay back too fast?
  4. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    you can move mp3 from pc to pc unless you ripped them in WMP(windows media player) and had copy protection checked (it is by default). If you did rip under that situation the files are coded for that pc only.

    Do you hear the chipmonks in both MusicMatch and WMP?

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