Router Log, questions?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by kman, May 15, 2004.

  1. kman

    kman Private First Class

    I have a wireless router that connects two pcs by ethernet, 1 laptop wireless and 1 internet camera wireless. Below is my router log.........

    May/15/2004 17:57:11
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 17:56:22
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 17:41:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 17:35:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 17:29:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 17:23:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 17:05:23
    Ping of Death Detect src: dst: Packet Dropped
    May/15/2004 17:04:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 16:59:38
    Ping of Death Detect src: dst: Packet Dropped
    May/15/2004 16:58:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 16:52:45
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 16:01:53
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 16:01:22
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 16:00:06
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 16:00:06
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:59:26
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:58:54
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:58:19
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:58:19
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:56:59
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:56:29
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:55:13
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 15:18:47
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 14:42:17
    Ping of Death Detect src: dst: Packet Dropped
    May/15/2004 14:14:22
    Ping of Death Detect src: dst: Packet Dropped
    May/15/2004 13:38:37
    Ping of Death Detect src: dst: Packet Dropped
    May/15/2004 12:49:21
    DHCP lease IP to kevin 00-04-61-97-1F-5C
    May/15/2004 12:46:25
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 12:33:01
    Wireless PC connected 00-0D-88-7C-E3-4F
    May/15/2004 12:27:52
    Ping of Death Detect src: dst: Packet Dropped

    My questions are:

    1. What is the Ping of Death?
    2. When I look up the ip's using WHOIS, some of them come up from a company in the Netherlands and Canada. Only 1 or 2 of them are from my family.
  2. Kodo


    a packet over 64k that would normally crash any 16bit network stacks. You should be fine.
  3. kman

    kman Private First Class

    So the Packet of Death thing is a d-link only acronym or it is a networking acronym? Also, when I check out the ip's in my log and they originated from some company in the Netherlands, is that some like advertising company pinging my ip? :confused:

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