Sacred problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by sleepinggamer, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. sleepinggamer

    sleepinggamer Private E-2

    i recently installed the game sacred on my Laptop and it works great except while i play if i alt tab out of the game i cant get back into the game all it does is go to a black screen that does nothing so i cant save my progress or anything and the only thing i can think to do is just close it via the task Manager
  2. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    That's a very common problem with games running in full-screen. Based solely on personal experience, I don't think there's much you can do.
  3. mikkh

    mikkh Private First Class

    Yeah I have to agree, games aren't really designed to be ALT-Tabbed, and while it works on some games, it requires a pretty hefty system with a lot of RAM and a decent graphics card to do it successfully IMO.

    Laptops in general aren't that well specced for gaming, unless it's a specialised gamers laptop
  4. Triaxx2

    Triaxx2 MajorGeek

    Which version of Sacred have you got? Plus or Underworld. If the former, you'll only have the choice of new game, where Underworld gives you two campaign options.

    If you have Underworld try patching to the latest version. 2.28.

    Second check your resolution, if it's 1024x768 chances are you don't have a choice to run in windowed mode, but if it's bigger you can turn off full screen.

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