SATA drive not showing on my computer

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by zikatrikz, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. zikatrikz

    zikatrikz Private E-2

    PC specifications are:
    Mobo: Intel 945gnt
    Processor: Intel Pentium D 820
    RAM: 1gb
    Video card: nvidia 8600gt 1gb
    hard drive: 1 sata 80gb, 1 ide 40gb

    my sister used the computer in the morning, and when i turned on the pc this evening, the sata drive isnt showing up, this does not happen always, its the first one... i looked into the bios and the sata drive isnt showin there, my xp is installed in the ide so i can boot normally, but the sata is my problem... can anyone please help?
  2. Felixmagician

    Felixmagician Private E-2

    So the sata-drive did work/show up earlier?
    Have you checked the sata-cable, could be disconnected/broken?
  3. zikatrikz

    zikatrikz Private E-2

    how can it be broken? im not doing anything inside the case since at least 2 months...
  4. Felixmagician

    Felixmagician Private E-2

    Could be disconnected, bent too much etc.

    If the drive doesnt show up in BIOS, but it used to, then it's pretty much 100% sure that the problem is inside the case. Eiter the drive is broken or the cable is not working.
  5. zikatrikz

    zikatrikz Private E-2

    ok... i will do that tomorrow morning... thanks for the response... ill be back with the results
  6. zikatrikz

    zikatrikz Private E-2

    thank you very much... the hard drive is now working, i changed the sata cord... thank you very much

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