Serious Crashing Problem Getting More Frequent

Discussion in 'Software' started by DallasRaines42, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. DallasRaines42

    DallasRaines42 Private First Class

    Recently, my computer has been acting strangely, about a year ago, the motherboard was damaged, and one of my drives was destroyed in moving. Since then, I have been experiencing crashing problems more and more frequently. It seems to crash if someone bumps the tower, or the wrong chord gets pulled on, this is what leads me to believe its a problem with my motherboard. In a possibly unrelated phenomenah, my speakers will suddenly blast out what sounds like a CB radio frequency, even when they are turned off... could this have something to do with my cable modem? Well, thanks for any help, the crash message is below:

    ***STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000C, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0xF6DF4F9A)
    ***Address F6DF4F9A Base at F6DF0000, DateStamp 3DCC4FBE-LH1DUSB.SYS
    Beginning Dump of Physical Memory
    Physical Memory Dump Complete. Contact your system administrator or Technical Support Group.

    As my technical Support group, could someone explain what this means?
    Thanks again
  2. snakefoot

    snakefoot Sergeant Major

    Well if your dump description is correct, then it seems that the USB driver has failed (LH1DUSB.SYS).
    There can be several causes for the USB driver to fail:
    1. There is an IRQ conflict causing the USB controller to fail (Check devices use of IRQs at BIOS POST, and if conflict move around with the pci-cards)
    2. There is a hardware error. (Reseat all device and cables, or replace faulty hardware)
    3. There is an error in the motherboard chipset drivers (Check for new version)

    Maybe you can diagnose a little more by reading this

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