seting up a download server

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by J J, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. J J

    J J Corporal

    i have built a computer that i want to set up so i can put files on it and people can download from it does anyone no how to do this?
  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Do you just want one or two people accessing files on this computer? Or do you want to allow hundreds of people accessing this computer?
  3. J J

    J J Corporal

    like a web page dat all it is there for is to upload and download files
  4. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

  5. J J

    J J Corporal

    i wana set it up like the program "easy file sharing web server" only i dont want to buy anything
  6. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

    May be you wana read the content of the two links above every thing that is described there is Free.

    Try to understand the principle of setting it up.

    The program that you are going to use is secondary in the whole process, there are practically more than 100 Free ftp and Web sharing programs, if you wana to succeed you have to like understand how like the thing works in principle and than you can like be like you own like man.

  7. J J

    J J Corporal

    k ill read them again and try it
  8. J J

    J J Corporal

    ok that helps BUT that is not exactily what i asked for because as far as i can tell ppl cant UPLOAD throug the internet.
  9. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Uh, yes you can. Your computer is constantly uploading and downloading information all the time.

    Typically, the upstream is quite slow, compared to the downstream.
  10. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

  11. J J

    J J Corporal

    out of all the shit ive tried that one works the best (filezilla) so tommorow i find out if it work through the internet (most sure it will) thanks foogoo

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