Sharing A Video Question

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oooops!, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek


    I have a video that I would like to share with friends that runs about 21.4 MB. I tried Photobucket but my video was cut short due to time restrictions.

    Where can I get the video hosted so that my friends can see it? It runs 10-15 minutes long. It's a collage of digital camera pictures made into a slideshow with music. I need to be able to share a link to the video in e-mails and be able to post it in a forum.

  2. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    Google free file hosting, should be plenty. ed
  3. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    Thanks, am doing that right now, but was wondering if someone could provide me a link of a reputable safe site. I just want to share with friends, I don't want the whole internet to see my personal video.
  4. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    Found one called File Lodge.
    Anyone have experience with this?
  5. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    File Lodge too slow to load up, or doesn't load up at all.
    Giving MediaMax a try this time.
  6. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    MediaMax a no go. Couldn't get a link to post in e-mails and forums to my video. Ho hum, the search continues.
  7. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

    another alternative: upload the video as an attachment using gmail (yahoo might work too), send to your friends' email
  8. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    Thanks for your suggestion, however the file is far too large to send through e-mail. I also need a link in which I can use to post on a forum. Thanks so much anyways, I have since found a website that comes close to what I need. Thanks for your help!
  9. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

  10. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    u could send it via AIM or sumthin similar. Ive transfered many a file that way heh heh :D :D :D
  11. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    Thanks guys!
    I ended up using as it gave me a link to my video that I could send directly to friends in e-mail and post the link in a forum so others may see the video if they'd like.

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