Should be simple to answer

Discussion in 'Software' started by cctaylor88, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. cctaylor88

    cctaylor88 Private E-2

    I am going to purchase an HDMI splitter for my computer. My goal is to play movies on my primary monitor (im using dual monitors) and have my HDTV mirror these images. So basically I want to watch movies played on my PC on my TV.

    So if I want to maintain dual monitor capabilities as well as watch my movies (played from the primary pc monitor) on my TV (I guess I want my TV to mirror the movies from PC) what is the best way to do this. I have 3 things needed to connect to my PC (2 monitors, 1 TV) I need a splitter.

    If I want to load/play movies on primary monitor and then have the TV mirror this...would I:

    1. Unplug primary monitor, plug in splitter, and then connect both the primary monitor/tv to splitter (leaving the secondary computer monitor where it is)
    2. Unplug both monitors...plug in splitter, plug both monitors into splitter, and plug the tv hdmi dircectly into the PC?

    Sorry this probably sounds confusing..but I want the easiest way to go from viewing dual monitors to watching movies on my TV. I dont want to have to go through 10 steps to configure resolutions and all that BS everytime. I have no experience w/this so please help. THANKS!
  2. cctaylor88

    cctaylor88 Private E-2

    Any help, thanks

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