slide copy help

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Dolores Busse, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Dolores Busse

    Dolores Busse Private E-2

    new here and seeking help on making copies of many old stereo camera slides. wonder if a reguler slide copier would work.

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Are you wanting these back onto slide film or in a digital format?

    If in Slide form, then yes you can if the stereo slides original are like the ones I remember in the cardboard mounts with two slides mounted in the mount to create the stereo image, would have to copy one slide at a time and once developed you would have to either buy new cardboard mounts that are for stereo slides or create your own home made ones.

    If digital then you could use a normal slide scanner/copier and then would just need to crop and align them into an image file, this is the rouet I use in work for the images I have to view, but we have proprietory software for this which is not fo the home user.

    But you can with a bit of timkering with the image align them on a blank image page, that may work ok with stereo viewers.
  3. dphigley

    dphigley Private E-2

    Also new here. A while back I bought a Plustek slide copier, OpticFilm 7300, an excellent 35mm copier for the money. I too have a lot of old stereo slides, from the Stereo Realist that my dad owned, and am interested in copying some of them. The slide and filmstrip holders for the Plustek won't accept the stereo slides, and not surprisingly when I asked their tech support people about this, was told it was far too small a market for them to make one -- although much to their credit, they did their best to be helpful, and were interested in what I was trying to do.
    I ended up buying another filmstrip holder from Plustek, and modifying it to hold a stereo slide -- not difficult to do. This makes it easy for me to copy both images of the slide; then I use Photoshop Elements to place them side-by-side on my computer screen. Finally, for a 3D viewer that works well for viewing these images on the screen, I purchased from Loreo Asia Limited, shipped from Hong Kong, a package of ten viewers for about $13 plus $8 shipping and packaging. Took just over two weeks to get here, and quite satisfactory. These are intended for mailing to friends, then sending the stereo images by email -- just what I want to do.
    If you're interested in details on any of this, I guess the thing to do is post a response. I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to provide my email address for direct communication.

    - David Higley

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