Slow Online Gaming?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Smokey, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Smokey

    Smokey Private E-2

    Well My DSl speed droped about 100Kbps. i seem to browse thru webpages just fine..But when i go play AVP2 online, my Ping goes of the roof and it feels like im playing with Dial up. My ping was always pretty decent until a week ago. could a virus, trojan, worm, spy, or adware be causing this?

    I got a question....How do u copy the processes out of your "Windows Task Manager"? I tried looking for a copy button but i didnt find it...

    One more thing, i checkedthe status of my DSL connection and it shows that 70,677 Packets had been send and 109,358 Packets had been received. Is it that normal?
  2. SiLenZe

    SiLenZe Private First Class

    you can do a screen capture by pressing prt scr.
    that is the amount of packets sent and received. that means nothing. your internet traffic is broken up into packets and you often receive much more then you send, unless your uploading files.
  3. Melthane

    Melthane Private E-2

    I also have a massive ping when playing AvP2, but it seems I'm the only one. There aint anything wrong with my pc cos it's brand new, and my old pc and connection had the same ping. Interesting thing is, I still have the same ping as I did on 56k, I'm now on 256 and there's no difference

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