So I need to convert this cat5 to a crossover cable...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Ira_Gaines, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. Ira_Gaines

    Ira_Gaines Private E-2

    I found a guide. My question is do I need to use a new RJ45 connector or can I use the one I cut off?
  2. Ira_Gaines

    Ira_Gaines Private E-2

    Better yet. What is the best way to remove the RJ45 connector? Can someone point me to an illistrated guide?
  3. bubbles

    bubbles Private E-2

    A pair of side cutters will do the trick. Just make sure you have a spare RJ-45 connector, and some cable crimpers handy!

    RJ-45 connectors are not reusable. If you plan on making a lot of cables, just get some CAT5e, RJ-45 connectors, and a pair of cable crimpers. Otherwise, save the hassle and buy a CAT5 crossover cable.

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