So is watercooling my only option???

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tym, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. tym

    tym Corporal

    Getting ready to build a new computer. GF is taking my old one. After LOTS of research and thinking, I have decided on my components. The big issue is cooing the cpu.

    After looking at some of the options of a after market cpu air coolers, I have yet to find one that I really want to let hang off my mother board. Like this one for example.

    Cooler Master GeminII S524 Cooling Fan/Heatsink

    No way do I want something that huge hanging off my motherboard. Does anyone have any viable options??

    This is what Im gonna go with.

    CM Storm Trooper SGC-5000-KKN1 System Cabinet

    650 W Power Supply

    AMD FX-8350 4 GHz Processor

    Antec K?HLER H2O 920 Liquid Cooling System

    Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz DDR3

    ASUS GTX660 TI

    Here is a youtube video of the air cooler I talked about.
  2. mvp4him3

    mvp4him3 Private E-2

    I have never been a big fan of fans for my processor. Liquid cooled is the way to go because not only is it a fail safe option but it opens up the thought of over clocking the processor and not have to worry much about over heating it. Go with the liquid cooled man. Easy to install and opens up another level you can take your computer if you choose to.

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