So what are some advantages of linux?

Discussion in 'Software' started by NeoNemesis, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    I've always wanted to give linux a try and now that i have this 5mbit connection it sure would be easy to download faster. But I'm not sure I woudl really need to downlaod it. I'm pretty happy with Windows XP, I haven't had any major problems that I couldn't get fixed. So I was wondering, why do all the ppl that have linux get it? What makes it better or fun to have? I'm not raelly looking for statistics or long details, just short answers that can persuade me to make a partition. Thanks.
  2. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I've struggled with it in the past, when my *nix knowlege was minimal at best. Even now I'm not exactly confident with it, but I'm getting better the more I use it.

    For me, linux is a server OS. Thats all I use it for, other than doing funky things with my network using PHLAK. The reason I use PHLAK is because its got all sorts of interesting programs like ettercap and kismet, which are written for linux primarily, and as such work best on there.

    I wouldn't use it as a desktop OS, personally. If I wanted to learn how to do somthing specifc using Linux (say, make a LAMP server (linux, apache, mysql, php)) then I might install it on my desktop PC to get the hang of it.

    If I were you, I'd get a Live CD like knoppix or a variant (say, Damn Small Linux) to play with first, see what you think.

    You might want to try somthing like FreeBSD LiveCD or OpenBSD, too, see what its like.
  3. g1lgam3sh

    g1lgam3sh MajorGeek

    Why don't you try this.

    Amazingly easy install, great OS.

    I use the 64 bit version, I've been messing with it for a while, Linux that is.

    I've installed a few different distros, Mandrake, Suse, Ubuntu, Slackware etc, so; advantages.

    1. Very quick

    2. Excellent use of resources

    3. Secure

    4. Looks great, (seriously does render well).

    6. For a geek doesn't actually take much more work than dealing with Windows problems, (hence sites dealing with said problems;) )

    7. Free

    8. Deepens and facilitates understanding of computers.

    9. Did I mention it's pretty geeky.

    10. New knowledge

    Still use Windows at least 60% of the time but it's nice to have an alternative.

    Just sayin

    ;) :cool: :D
  4. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I'd hate to disagree, but I think that Debian Net installs are easier, even if they take a bit longer.

    I believe that the servers that run MG use debian, or at least last I remember Philipp saying so.
  5. g1lgam3sh

    g1lgam3sh MajorGeek

    Now we're getting picky about flavours, still a darn fine dish.

    BTW Goldie, it was you wasn't it, who turned me onto Radio Paradise, outstandingly eclectic playlist, just done 10 years musical catchup in the space of redecorating. :D
  6. Robster12

    Robster12 The Horse Whisperer

    Yeah, Goldfish,
    MG is served on debian.

    hehe... funny you bring this up, last night was my first night on dsl access, moved from dial-up. One of the first things I did was to download the "netinst" disk of debian to install Sarge across the 'Net with!

    Maybe tonight.

    ESR says: Trying to learn how to hack in Windows is like trying to dance while wearing a body cast.

    The BEST thing about Linux is, it is Open Sourced. If you so choose, you can access the source code of your OS, all the way to bare metal, if you want, down to the kernel level.
  7. g1lgam3sh

    g1lgam3sh MajorGeek

    Quite, very well put. :)

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