Software- User_jaye- 2009.04.16

Discussion in 'Software' started by manilka835, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. manilka835

    manilka835 Specialist

    Dr. K.D.J.H. Manilka Jayawardena,
    Medical Officer,
    National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (Central Laboratory of NPTCCD),
    Chest Hospital Premises,
    Sri Lanka.
    Wednesday, 16th April 2009.

    Dear MajorGeeks Support Forums,

    Software- User_jaye

    I have come across the following problems:

    1. Startup items
    As indicated in your link “Basic computer maintenance everyone should do- Startup items” the reason why you have to wait a minute to use your computer after startup, is because all of those items are loading after Windows has started. They also use up memory just sitting there. I wish to know which of the following items are not essential to be running and hence can be deleted by using CCleaner startup manager.
    • swg
    • ctfmon.exe
    • Google Update
    • Epson Stylus C41 Series
    • SUPERAntiSpyware
    • Smapp
    • AVG8_TRAY
    • NeroFilterCheck
    • Googletalk
    • USB Antivirus
    • Sony Ericsson PC Suite
    • SunJavaUpdateSched
    • snp2uvc
    • tsnp2uvc
    • Adobe Reader Speed Launcher
    • Acrobat Assistant.lnk
    • Microsoft Office.lnk
    • WinZip QuickPick.lnk

    2. My computer does not Hibernate.
    If I want to hibernate my computer, in the "shutdown" box, "hibernate" is selected, however, regardless of the checks and tabs, my computer will not hibernate. When selecting to hibernate, the computer prepares for hibernation, flashes as if to hibernates, then immediately returns to Windows. I have even searched for "nohibertxt.", which does not seem to be in Windows, on my computer, nothing.

    I cannot seem to figure out what the problem is? Can you help?
    Thanking you.

    All the best,
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Doc

    Question 1.

    I would disable/remove the highlighted in red below but the ones in green are ones to keep. ones in Orange are upto you if you use the mentioned applications, can use this free application to manage them StartupCPL and when installed just untick the ones to disable, and if you ever need to enable them again tick the box again.

    swg -part of Google Toolbar
    ctfmon.exe need to use this info to remove fully
    Google Update - Part of Google toolbar
    Epson Stylus C41 Series
    SUPERAntiSpyware - disable if Free version
    Smapp - Audio control panel icon
    DSLSTATEXE - your ADSL internet
    DSLAGENTEXE - your ADSL internet
    NeroFilterCheck - Nero burning and never seen a use for this yet
    Googletalk - Google again
    USB Antivirus - dont know this one, so would leave for now.
    Sony Ericsson PC Suite - your phone software, doesnt have to run at boot but best left
    SunJavaUpdateSched - Java updater, not need
    snp2uvc - Webcam soft IIRC would leave
    tsnp2uvc - Webcam soft woudl leave
    Adobe Reader Speed Launcher -Adobe reader addon also not needed
    Acrobat Assistant.lnk
    Microsoft Office.lnk - Only needed if you like the Office assistant options, me never used them and open the applications like word, excel when I need them so saves this startup being needed.
    WinZip QuickPick.lnk - Similar as above but for WinZip

    as for Question 2.

    What is your Windows version? as possible hibernate is disabled somewhere else and you may need to re-create or turn it on again.
  3. manilka835

    manilka835 Specialist

    Dr. K.D.J.H. Manilka Jayawardena,
    Medical Officer,
    National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (Central Laboratory of NPTCCD),
    Chest Hospital Premises,
    Sri Lanka.
    Saturday, 18th April 2009.

    Dear MajorGeeks Support Forums,

    Software- User_jaye

    Thank you for your early reply.

    I have carried out your instructions.

    1. Startup items
    USB Antivirus (USB Disk Security) - USBSheild monitors in real time and protects your computer against all threats that can take over your computer via USB drive. The purchased edition has the option of deleting the malware where as the free one only indicates the presence of Malware. In my opinion it is good tool.

    2. My computer does not hibernate.
    My System Properties are as follows:

    Microsoft Windows XP
    Version 2002
    Service Pack 3

    Pentium[R] 4 CPU 2.40GHz
    2.40GHz, 256MB of RAM

    * Total Physical Memory: 256.00 MB
    * Available Physical Memory: 27.01MB

    Desktop > Properties > Screensaver > Power > Hibernate
    Under Hibernation, the box for enable hibernation has been ticked.

    Can you advice me on how to re-create or turn it on again.

    Thanking you.

    All the best,
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

  5. manilka835

    manilka835 Specialist

    Software- User_jaye- 2009.04.23

    Dr. K.D.J.H. Manilka Jayawardena,
    Medical Officer,
    National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (Central Laboratory of NPTCCD),
    Chest Hospital Premises,
    Sri Lanka.
    Thursday 23rd April 2009.​

    Dear halo,
    MajorGeeks Forum Administrator,
    MajorGeeks Support Forums.

    Software- User_jaye​

    Thank you for your reply.

    1. Startup items
    Your suggestions were very helpful. I will inform in my next reply regarding the improvement on boot time. Like wise, in another computer, “Admin”, the below given startup items are found. I would be very grateful if you can tell me which items are not essential to be running and hence can be disabled by using StartupCPL.​
    • Skype
    • IDTSysTrayApp
    • AESTFltr
    • IgfxTray
    • HotKeysCmds
    • Persistence
    • QlbCtrl.exe
    • RemoteControl
    • LanguageShortcut
    • egui
    • IMJPMIG8.1
    • NvCplDaemon
    • nwiz
    • SysTrayApp
    • TkBellExe
    • Bluetooth.lnk
    • Microsoft Office.lnk

    My computer does not hibernate.
    I will inform you the results regarding the above topic after troubleshooting according to your link given.

    All the best,
  6. manilka835

    manilka835 Specialist

    Dr. K.D.J.H. Manilka Jayawardena,
    Medical Officer,
    National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (Central Laboratory of NPTCCD),
    Chest Hospital Premises,
    Sri Lanka.
    Sunday, 3rd May 2009.​

    Dear Halo,
    MajorGeeks Forum Administrator,

    Software- User_jaye- 2009.04.16

    1. Boot time
    Before disabling the recommended startup items: 8 minutes and 46 seconds
    After disabling the recommended startup items: 6 minutes and 20 seconds

    2. My computer does not Hibernate.
    Troubleshooting with and then did not solve the issue.

    Thanking you.​

    All the best,
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Manilka

    Boot time, thats not bad result from disabling a few of them in your 1st computer.

    Is this a different one?
    If so then the following are ok to disable.

    Skype ~ unless you use this alot and directly when your PC has booted, its not needed and can be manually run if and when you need it.

    IDTSysTrayApp ~ Audio tray icon, can always run this from Control Panel.

    HotKeysCmds ~ upto you if you like using Ctrl+Alt+F12 to access Intel Graphics options (disable for a test and if nothing untoward happens or you loose ability to access the menu from Control Panel enable it again)

    IgfxTray ~ Intel Graphics menu, also can run from Control Panel

    Persistence ~ also part of Intel Graphics

    IMJPMIG8.1 ~ Part of Microsoft Input Language, if you use Asian text then leave if not then disable

    RemoteControl ~ Is Cyberlinks DVD remote options so if you use this alot dont disable, if you dont use it then disable

    LanguageShortcut ~ Related to Cyberlink DVD, would leave for now.

    NvCplDaemon ~ Nvidia and can be disabled
    nwiz ~ nvidia and can be disabled

    SysTrayApp ~ Audio Control Panel not needed as can be accessed in Control Panel , but a user choice to disable or keep

    TkBellExe ~ Application scheduler for RealOne Player, disable

    Microsoft Office.lnk ~ not always needed as you can start office applications from the start menu but shouldnt slow much down as its only a link to a program group.

    Ones not to disable is QlbCtrl.exe as you will loose the ability of the HP Quick Launch Buttons on the keyboard.

    egui ~ is your NOD32 antivirus

    Bluetooth.lnk ~ dont know about this one so leave

    As for the hibernate issue, out of ideas at present on that apart from this fix

    or in Device Manager click Network Adapters and then depending on how many are listed double click the 1st and click the Power Managment tab and untick any items ticked, then do same for next... reason is some network adapters cause issues in hibernation due to wake up facilities of the device.
  8. sikvik

    sikvik Corporal Karma

    * Total Physical Memory: 256.00 MB
    * Available Physical Memory: 27.01MB

    Would not dream of butting in Halo. After the Start Up tweak- hope the situation is better.
  9. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    No indeed sikvik, more ram in that PC would be very benefical to load times.
  10. manilka835

    manilka835 Specialist

    Dr. K.D.J.H. Manilka Jayawardena,
    Medical Officer,
    National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (Central Laboratory of NPTCCD),
    Chest Hospital Premises,
    Sri Lanka.
    Monday, 8th June 2009.​

    Dear Halo,
    MajorGeeks Forum Administrator,

    Software- User_jaye- 2009.04.16​

    Boot time​

    After disabling the recommended startup items: 6 minutes and 20 seconds
    After increasing the RAM to 1 GB: 1 minute and 59 seconds

    Thanking you.

    All the best,

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