Something wrong with HP pavilion a400n

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by maila, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. maila

    maila Private E-2

    Hello guys! Im new and I just need to ask a quick question just to get some idea on what may be wrong with my sisters desktop.

    Ok, it all started yesterday when I was on the internet and my computer mouse froze up. I tried to restart it by pressing the button, but that wouldnt work so I unplugged the computer. I plugged it back in again and pressed the button to turn it back on. Well now everytime i do this the HP invent screen will come up, and then the Windows Xp screen will come up but then all of a sudden the computer stops starting up and it goes black. The only thing that shows up on the screen is the mouse arrow and I cant even move it with my mouse. I call hp services they said that my sisters one year warranty was up(she bought this computer) and that she will need to get a new warranty in order to get help with this problem. Im trying to figure out exactly what I did to her computer and restarting it is not helping.

    Oh and BTW after restarting it like ten times I finally got the HP to restart completely but once again when I started to try and connect to the internet, the mouse froze agaiin and i was forced to unplug it once more.

    And before all this happened lately I have been having issues with connecting to the internet, I was wondering if possibly this had something to do with it. We have DSL and we are AOL members.

    What in the heck is going on?!:confused:
  2. jconstan

    jconstan MajorGeek

    Power on the pc and continually hit the F8 key.....when the menu comes up select "Last Known Good Configuration" and see if that gets you going.
  3. maila

    maila Private E-2

    No, that didnt work. I have been playing with the pc a bit and sometimes it restarts completely but most of the time it just give me a blank screen with a mouse. I have looked on the net and i heard some of my issues could be linked to Norton antivirus. Also possibly because i havent been updating programs on her pc as often as i should. What do you think, could her pc be acting up because of this?
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Sounds like you're going to have to do a repair install ....(not recovery) which point you will need to look for virus issues.
    boot up with cd in drive ....enter to install ..f8 to agreement ...then it will find the previous install of xp and prompt if you want to repair (R) or new ...choose R will save all your files and programs (lose all your updates) ....when that is done, you need to do this:
    Read and run first - Malware section
  5. maila

    maila Private E-2

    Ok, so let me get this straight, I will need to find the cd for windows xp home edition software? errrrrr not exactly sure where it is.
  6. maila

    maila Private E-2

    are there any other alternatives if i cant find the cd?
  7. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    If you can't even get into safe mode, then yes, you'll need the cd.
  8. maila

    maila Private E-2

    Well as it turns out, i can get into safe mode. I highlighted safe mode, clicked enter and it gave me the choice of whether to launch WIn Hp or Recovery console. What do I do from there? Please be patient with me, Im not what anyone can call computer savvy.
  9. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    recovery will require the disc:
    Recovery console at boot
    Posted 8/12/2002 by TweakXP Member
    The recovery console is a very useful application for getting to your data without having to boot XP. If a registry error due to hard disk corruption prevents you from booting XP even in Safe Mode, then it may be the only way.

    The recovery console is accessible from the XP CD if you boot from disc. If your CD is damaged, however, you may have no way of booting your system without reformatting the hard drive. This means data loss. Data loss tends to create distress esp. if you have no backups.

    Here is a way to make the recovery console an option in the Windows XP "OS Choices" menu. Do this before an inevitable registry corruption.

    1. Insert your Windows XP CD.
    2. Run {CD-ROM drive letter}:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons
    3. A dialog comes up saying it takes 10mb, etc., etc. - Click yes to install.

    If you don't normally see the OS choices menu at boot, go into system properties (winkey+pause), click the advanced tab, and xlixk Startup and Recovery. Check Time to Display List of OSs if it is unchecked, and then set the timeout value to a decent number of seconds.

    Apply the settings, reboot, and you should see two boot options.

    Here are some KB articles on how to use the recovery console and how to recover from a corrupted registry.;en-us;Q314874;en-us;Q307545;en-us;Q307654
  10. wehsmith

    wehsmith Private E-2

    If you are still working on this, when you boot into safe mode right click My Computer and click manage. Then click on + sign next to event viewer.
    Then click on system and look for entries marked in red (error). That might give you a hint. Also if no hint in there check events from application also.

    Post errors here also if you want.

    Also try running msconfig and see if anything strange is n there under startup.
    You need to try to find cause of the problems instead of thowing different fixes at it.

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