sony crx830e

Discussion in 'Software' started by funky munky, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. funky munky

    funky munky Staff Sergeant

    Hi ive got a sony crx830e cdrw 24x dvd 8x drive in my laptop.
    It was recently installed by compaq when the old one died in the warranty period since it has been installed it worked fine for a week but now when i write a cd it makes all the right noises but when the cd is done there is not a little bit of burning done to it.
    I think it could be a driver problem but i cant seem to find them anywhere would anyone know where i can get them from or if im wrong what is the problem.
    much appreciated as usual.
  2. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    A little bit of burning?
    Can you see any burned area on the cd?
    After burning try to verify the disc and see what you get
    Lastly but most important if they(compaq) installed it and after only one week it starts to screw up i would take it back(is this an option?)

  3. funky munky

    funky munky Staff Sergeant

    there is nothing burned on the cd although there has been 200mb of space taken off of it.
    there is nothing visably different on the surface of the disc.

    sending it back isnt an option till xmas as i need the laptop for uni.

    thanks for repling
  4. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    Really basic question buttt-- are you sure you are burning and not simulating the disc? This varies from burning prog to prog
    Drivers should be available from the cdrw manf site or check w/ or in the drivers section of this forum-- (if it is working/recognized then I doubt the drivers are the problem)

    And LAST thing is have you tried the old uninstall -reinstall thing??
  5. funky munky

    funky munky Staff Sergeant

    i have used nero and cd burning wizard so it isnt simulating although it is the kind of stupid thing i would do.

    Do you think uninstalling and installing it will help i dont really want to do that but if it will work i will.
  6. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    (!!!! make sure you have the drivers either installed in a directory or a disc or floppy!!)

    Like I said the LAST thing --try to uninstall or eject the cdrw from the pc in settings then uninstall the drivers)then shut down and restart the pc (it should auto detect)if it does not settings>install new hardware> it will prompt from there.

    try that

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