Sound card removed from Bios on ASUS P4SS33

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Scousemartin, Apr 28, 2006.

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  1. Scousemartin

    Scousemartin Private E-2

    I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on my problem with an asus p4s533 motherboard which has lost its sound , not in windows but in the actual bios all i get for onboard pci devices are a load of wingding characters and i have reflashed the bios with every available version from the first release to the latest ps51011.011c which is the latest beta. I am at a total loss as to why it has disappeared , windows recognises it as a media device but as soon as i install the drivers xp gives me a flash of the BSOD and restarts the pc. Anybody have any idea how i can get around this problem. TNXs
  2. Scousemartin

    Scousemartin Private E-2

    Sorry i forgot to mention, my motherboard is the model without lan, but if i flash the bios with the lan version of the bios update instead of the wingding letters i get LAN disable/enable menu which is totally weird
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