Sound in HL2 Echos - Sounds Deep

Discussion in 'Software' started by Anon-15281db623, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    I just recently put together a new system. Everything is working great, but for some reason the sound in Half Life 2 sounds very echoed, deep, or like I’m in a hall. I have the newest drivers from nVidia (6.70) and I have gone through about every sound related menu or setting on my computer. iTunes, and videos sound just fine, but with HL2 set on 5.1 mode, I get the weird symptoms I described above. I have Logitech 5.1 speakers (z640's I think), winxp sp2, and see my sig for system details.

  2. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    try changing the sound quality and running the sound check thing. personally, i reccomend investing in a separate sound card, you just dont get the same quality from onboard sound, however good nvidia onboard may be.
  3. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    I tried messing with the sound quality, low-medium-high, and that didn't help with the echoing. I also played with the speaker configuration changing it from 5.1 to 4 channel, stereo, headphones, etc, and the sound did change, but it still had the echo and deepness to it. I also tried changing the settings in the nVidia audio properties, but no luck there either. I looked for a sound check, but I couldn’t find that. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    I considered purchasing an Audigy Gaming card, but I ran out of funds and I thought the onboard sound was good enough fro what I use it for. As of right now, it seems that HL2 is the only game this is happening with. I had to crank the volume higher than usual in order to hear what was happening in Elder Scrolls IV, but the sound was crisp and clear, and not distorted like HL2 was.

    Thanks for you help, and if you can think of anything else that might be causing this please let me know.


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