Standby mode not working correctly

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by DejayT, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. DejayT

    DejayT Private E-2

    I just did a clean install of Windows and everything was fine last night, i.e when entering standby mode all fans go off and flashing power light remains.

    This morning though when entering standby mode the GPU fan at least is still on, in fact it runs up to full speed as it does before the driver loads up.

    I'm not sure if any of the other fans are on but does anyone have any idea why this would happen? My power setting is set to 'desktop'.

    I could use hibernate but it just takes too long, I always use standby to save power when away from the pc for more than 5 minutes.

  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    :wave Welcome to Major Geeks! :major

    This doesn't help much, but I always turn off the PC when I'm away for over an hour. Otherwise, I just leave it on. Somehow a rumor was started years ago about "it's not good for the PC to be turned off; it's better to just leave it on all the time even if it's in standby mode". Whaaa? :confused If you think about it, it really makes no sense. It's like saying it's better to leave your car running when you're not driving. Leaving the PC on just adds unneeded hours of usage to the components. Yes, I understand the the power is very limited in standby mode but it's still "on" and the power supply is still on and if there's a power spike or surge while in standby, it will have the same effect that it would if the PC was in normal mode. So, IMHO, standby (and hibernation) should not be used regularly. I always shut off my PC if I won't be using it for over an hour. I'm not so impatient that I can't wait for 15 seconds while it boots up. Besides, I've seen MANY computers take more time to come out of standby or hibernation than it takes to cold boot to the desktop. I have also seen MANY computers that lock up when trying to come out of standby or hibernation resulting in a forced cold boot anyway.
  3. DejayT

    DejayT Private E-2

    Thanks but there is obviously a problem here and I need to find out whats gone wrong.

    I don't reboot unless I need to, otherwise PC stays in standby mode all the time and I would imagine the power usage is very small. This way it's available instantly whenever needed, otherwise by the time all the drivers etc are loaded it can take several minutes before you have full use of the CPU.
  4. holiday

    holiday Private E-2

    Have a look into the ACPI settings, look in the BIOS powersave settings (plug and play OS etc..), and in your operating systems settings for the power saving and ACPI compatibility settings.

    I don't bother with standby, sleep, hibernate, death etc.. I personally just shut the thing down. After all these years the Windows kernel still flakes out after repeatedly going in and coming back from standby / suspend modes.
  5. DejayT

    DejayT Private E-2

    Thanks guys but I found the right answer elsewhere and it was quite surprising.

    If you have this problem and have a USB keyboard/mouse, in device manager simply go to the driver properties for it and, under the power management tab, uncheck the box that says 'allow this device to bring the computer out of standby'.

    PC now sleeps like a baby.

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