Start Place That Lists Programs - Want Some Knowledge

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ninefifty, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Ninefifty

    Ninefifty Private First Class

    Hi all,
    I use Windows 7 and really miss the feel where you click the START button and it lists all the programs and folders which where there are folders shows an arrow to the right that allows you to see other programs in that folder such as accessories>then whatever.
    Right now I see a folder in All Programs and I have to click open that folder to list things downwards. I find that irritatingly annoying.

    I don't know what the name of this button is called but in my Win7 pc it is to your left in a blue circle with the embedded windows symbol within it. Can somebody tell me what this is called?

    Another thing I want is the kind of program that allow me to give that start button listings to programs a different feel. Unfortunately I don't know what name to call this to make a start for such a thing. Help please.
  2. brahman

    brahman Specialist

    I use windows 7, and Bro I got no clue what you are talking about........I simply go to Start, then click All Arograms and instantly I see all my programs listed. Are saying that this process is annoying? I believe this was near the same for XP&Vista

    Or is there something else you are getting at? I am trying to help if I can.
  3. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

    Is it the classic view that you miss?

    Right mouse click My Computer > Properties

    Advanced System Settings > Performance Tab > Settings > Visual Effects Tab > Adjust for best performance > OK.

    Also, you can customize the Start menu by right mouse clicking in a blank space of it and Selecting Properties (only option)
  4. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

  5. Ninefifty

    Ninefifty Private First Class

    Foogoo's response was what I was looking for.
    The below was copied from its website:
    Classic Shell is a collection of features that were available in older versions of Windows but are removed from Vista and Windows 7. It has a classic start menu for Windows 7, it adds a toolbar for Windows Explorer and supports a variety of smaller features.

    For me Classic Shell works well and feels good.
    Loads of options.

    Thanks Foogoo.

    Brahman and Thisisu, thank you for trying to help out.
    Thisisu, I doubt you are using Windows 7.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2011
  6. Ninefifty

    Ninefifty Private First Class

    Thisisu, I take back my comments as I played around with your advice.
    Classic Shell still beats it hands down.

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