starwars republic commando wont work HELP

Discussion in 'Software' started by ReBorn, Dec 2, 2011.

  1. ReBorn

    ReBorn Private E-2

    Hey so I have no idea how this happened i have been playing it for about a year perfectly fine then one day I try and play it it starts to launch has the black screen with the logo (doesnt cover whole screen) but then closes and says it encountered a problem Help please? and why would it just all of a sudden happen?
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What Windows version and Service Pack are you using?

    AS to why it could suddenly happen is that you may have installed an application or update that the game doesn't like, it could also be corruption on the HDD and at times it just needs one file to become corrupt to fail an application.

    So have you installed any new software or updates and if so what? (if you can remember)

    Check in Event Viewer and the Software and System logs for any error at the exact time of the game crashing, and let us know what the error is? (event viewer is found in Control Panel > Administrative Tools)

    Check that there are no updates for the game.

    Try uninstalling and re-installing the game and make sure you get any updates for the game.

    Make sure your graphics card driver is latest one.

    Disable your antivirus software and try the game again.

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