Streaming Video

Discussion in 'Software' started by Atlantic44, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    What is the best and easy way to steam HD videos to an iOS device? I would like to steam to several devices if possible.

    Is there some sort of software that would make this possible?
  2. Nick T

    Nick T MajorGeek

  3. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I don't think this is even related:-o

    There are numerous apps that allow you to stream video to your iOS devices. But they all cost money, and of course every app has its bad reviews. So I don't know the best way to go about this. I would like to not waste money on an app until I have more info about this.

    If someone here has done this before and could help, that would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I think what I need is just to upload videos(in a non-flash format) online. Is there any free way I can do that?

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